
While the numbering system of PeakTone trombone mouthpieces is based upon a system developed for the Mouthpiece Project, it has many points at which it overlaps with that developed by Vincent Bach. However, it is not possible to say categorically that any particular PeakTone mouthpiece corresponds exactly with any mouthpiece from a particular manufacturer which is given a ‘Vincent Bach’ designation as there is so much variation between the offerings from different manufacturers.

The PeakTone trombone mouthpiece range is offered for alto, tenor and bass instruments, each having a choice of small, intermediate and large stem offerings, the switch between these being made by means of the type slider on the stem setting. To see the stem type settings in action, click here.

Individual PeakTone mouthpieces are designated by an alphabetic code, i.e. a letter from A to Z, although each individual group does not span this entire range. Mouthpieces designated with letters from the beginning of the aphabet are deeper than those from the end, i.e., a mouthpiece designated A, were it to exist, would be the deepest of mouthpieces.The PeakTone codes utilised to describe trombone mouthpieces will be: PT-ATB-M (alto trombone, not yet available), PT-TTB-M (tenor trombone, currently available), PT-BTB-M (bass trombone, not yet available), where the final character, here ‘M’, defines the size of the mouthpiece.

The tenor trombone mouthpieces provided range from Size H to Size P.

PeakTone Tenor Trombone Mouthpieces

The PeakTone tenor trombone mouthpieces range from Size H to Size P with Size H having the deepest cup and Size P, the shallowest.

The dimensions of the offerings are:

These dimensions are those used in the Peaktone model and the use of these will produce repeatable mouthpieces. However, they will vary greatly from the published data for Vincent Bach mouthpieces as no two publications can agree on exactly what to measure to obtain this data.

To read about the Vincent Bach numbering system, click The Vincent Bach Numbering System