
The bibliography contains references to all publications used during the preparation of this book. The majority were collected before the age of the Internet, hence lacking links. Links will be added as and when they are located.

Alcock 1963

L. Alcock, Dinas Powys, Cardiff, 105-6, ref to rivets of a type seen on the River Erne Trumpet

Aldred 1973

C Aldred, Tutankhamen's Egypt BBC, 1973

Alexandrescu 2007

Cristina-Georgeta Alexandrescu, The Iconography of Wind Instruments in Ancient Rome: Cornu, Bucina, Tuba, and Lituus, Music in Art, Spring–Fall 2007, Vol. 32, No. a Source for Music History Volume III (Spring–Fall 2, Research Center for Music Iconography University of New York, Stable URL:

Alexandrescu 2010

Cristina-Georgeta Alexandrescu, Blasmusiker und Standartenträger im römischen Heer. Untersuchungen zur Benennung, Funktion und Ikonographie (Imagines 1) Cluj-Napoca 2010 ISBN 978-606-543-064-8 427 pp., 110 b/w-pls

Allen 1958a

D. Allen, Belgic coins in the Late Pre-Roman Iron Age of Britain, P.P.S. XXIV. P44ff, Plate 1

Allen 1958b

D Allen, 'Belgic Coins as illustrations of life in the late pre-Roman Iron Age of Britain', Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 24, 43-63

Allen 1976

L. A. Allen, Time Before Morning, Art and Myth of the Australian Aborigine, Adelaide, 1976

Almgren 1926-7

O. Almgren, Hallristningar och Kulturbruk

Althin 1945

C. A. Althin, Studien zu den bronze-zeitlichen Felszeichnungen von Skåne I. Lund, pp. 144ff

Amelung 1903

W. Amelung, Die Skulpturen des Vatikanischen Museums, Vol. I, Taf. 28, nr. 1370

Ammann 1997

Raymond Ammann, Danses et musiques kanak: une présentation des danses et des musiques mélanésiennes de Nouvelle-Calédonie, dans les cérémonies et dans la vie quotidienne, du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours, Agence de développement de la culture kanak, 1997

Andersen 1977

Jorgen Andersen, The Witch on the Wall, Rosenkilde & Bagger

Andersson 1934

O. Andersson, Nordisk Musikkultur i äldsta tider, Stockholm

Anstee 1956

J. W. Anstee, Technology of ancient glass and metal, Nature. Dec 1956, Vol. 178 part 1430

Aranegui Gascó 1996

C. Aranegui Gascó, Signos de rango en la sociedad ibérica. Distintivos de carácter civil o religioso, Revista de Estudios Ibérico*,* 2*,*Universidad Complutense de Madrid: 91-121

Archaeological Institute of America

: Archaeological Discoveries in the Holy Land, Thomas Y. Cromwell Co. New York.

Armstrong 1922

E. C. R. Armstrong, Some Irish Bronze-Age Finds, Proc. Royal Irish Acad. XXXVI, Sec C. 134

Artis 1828

E. T. Artis, The Durobrivae of Antonius first published in 1828, made up of a series of 60 plates but all the descriptions to the plates were not finished. References SD230. SD230

Ashmore 1996

P. J. Ashmore, Neolithic and Bronze Age Scotland. B.T. Batsford, Ltd. Historic Scotland, London, 1996