Vergilius Ivory Horn

Documentary References | DR393

Author details/dating: Vergilius

Instrument Cited: Tyrrhenus

Citation Reference: Georgics Book II, line 194

Citation Content: …..hic tibi praeualidas olim multoque fluentis 190 sufficiet Baccho uitis, hic fertilis uuae, hic laticis, qualem pateris libamus et auro, inflauit cum pinguis ebur Tyrrhenus ad aras, lancibus et pandis fumantia reddimus exta. Translation by: H. R. Fairclough as:

this land will some day yield you the hardiest of vines, streaming with the rich flood of Bacchus; this is fruitful in the grape, and in the juice we offer from bowls of gold, when the sleek Etruscan has blown his ivory horn beside the altar, and on bellied platters we present the steaming meat of sacrifice.

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