
Specimen Detail | SD131-2

Find Spot: Revenes moor, Revheim, Haaland Parish, Norway.

Date of Find: 1894

Current Location: Stavanger Museum, N0. 1880

Condition: Complete

Musical Characteristics: F1, C2, F2, C3, F5, C4, F4, A4, C5, D5, E5, F5, G5.

Description: Right/left hand lur. 1630mm long. Tube yard 665mm long, joined to 965mm long bell yard with lock with triangular

tenon. Bell disc 142 mm diameter with 7 small hemispherical bosses. 3 small eyes on back of bell disc.

Citations: Oldeberg, 1947, 37, 38, Figure 20; Broholm, 1949, 27, Plate 21 and 23, Holmes 2022: Figure 5.5
